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This is question is very common from the earlier centuries, specially between disbelievers, it is obvious that it comes to the minds of some believers,.

Because the nature of human is to think about what he believes,
so far having the key to this questions.
First you must know the real concept of “God”
Because there are some man made gods,which are made out of Rocks,or wood,or there are some people who take sun,moon,human etc as God,but according to the definition of God, a rock, stick,or human or anything in the entire universe cannot be a god.


Because the word God (ilah) is refered to the one who is worthy to be worshipped,and these things are all limited, they can easily be harmed by anything.
Therefore they are not worthy to be worshipped.
That’s why in Islam we say “there is no god, except Allah

Infact in Islam the definition of “Allah” says what Allah is,and also says what Allah is not.!

Beside knowing what God is,….it is also important to know what God is not, so that, if someone falsely claims that is god, that thing is god,so and so is god etc,so you can easily come to know that this a false claim.
As for as the reply to “what is definition of Allah”, the best reply that any Muslim can give you is from the Holy Qur’an from Surah 112:1-4
Which says:
Say He is Allah, one and only
Allah, the absolute and eternal
He begets not,nor is he begotten.
There is nothing like Him.
This four line definition of Almighty God is given in the Holy Qur’an.

So let’s Come back to the Question.

Can God create a rock that He can’t lift?
The question is itself wrong with no sense.

And it is wrong in two ways.

The question has a hidden concept which is ” the Omnipotence of God”
Omnipotence means the absolute in Power.
to get the concept of absolute,take the example of 3 glasses of water, we fill water in 1st glass until half of it.
And 2nd one with almost fill (not completely filled with water) but 3rd one totally filled.
Now someone ask us: can the glasses be empty at the same time that they are having water?
About the 1st and 2nd glasses there is a possibility, because at same time there is some emptiness in both of them,but in case of third glass the question is completely wrong.
Because when the glass is absolutely full,then there would be no place left. so no emptiness can exist in it.
Now same is the case with paradox of Omnipotence.
When God is absolute in Power, there is no way for weakness to Him.
So this question is itself wrong.
It’s like a person tells you that “i am absolutely liar” if he is absolutely liar so this sentence can’t be true, and if he is not absolutely liar!…. Again! The sentence is wrong,it means this sentence contradicts itself and plays your mind.

How do you justify that all the same time you are saying God can do anything?
We Muslims say: there is no might,There is no power except the might and Power of Allah ( لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله)
And we say: Allah is capable of doing whatever He wills to do” (ان الله على كل شيء قدير)
There is also a “But” in it! But Allah never wills to do something that will make Him not Be who He is,
In other words He would never will to die, because He is what?!?! He is (Al Hai) means The Etenrally alive, some people ask that can God create an other “God”? If you check the exact definition of “God”, God is an uncreated Being, and this question actually sounds like: can God create an uncreated being?
Which is senseless Question.

Omnipotence doesn’t extend to going things that are inconsistent with their definition, like (making a square-cricle) or (creating uncreated being)
Those people say this,they actually imagine Their god like themselves, that’s why they easily switch to this question or any other questions like this.

Take an example of a man lifting a rock, First, beside the rock and the man,there should be a surface like (Earth), because the rock needs to be lift in relation to something,and secondly there is a need of gravity like(Earth’s gravity) which pull both rock and man towards itself,so that man can apply this power in opposite direction to the gravity of Planet, otherwise if there is not gravity.The power of the man is meaningless,why?! Because the rock can easily be lifted in absence of gravity, so those who relates this question to God,they should have thought that there is a place with gravity on which God and Rock should exist and the gravity affects on them, means god should be bounded under power of gravity.
And here is it wrong and against the exact definition of God.

This way of thinking is not permitted in Islam, because anything which is bounded by space,time and gravity is not God,because they are all His creatures,He doesn’t even need to lift anything,He just commands.

Allah doesn’t make Stuff like humans do,and doesn’t move stuff like humans do, he can make a rock so and so big that nothing in the creation can even move it a slightly, but for him everything is by command, He says “Be” and it is.

And that’s what the rock takes form and shape,and He says move!… It moves.
And He doesn’t move things like you and me.

This something for Allah that He does as He wills, and He is capable of Doing whatever He wills to Do, so do not compare Him to the creations , you don’t get in problem like that and don’t put Him in creation and you don’t run into these problems in concept.
Allah is mighty and Above All.

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