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Moral Messages

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Who are we? What is the purpose of our existence? Where did everything around us come from?

These questions concern every human being, whether a theist or an atheist.

If these questions are asked from an athiest he would say we are humans. The purpose of life is to live fully and enjoy. Everything came from nowhere. (no concern of life, human and universe with before and after what happens to it)

If I asked from a Christian he would say we are Christians the purpose of life is to love jesus and everything came from God. (No concern for the hereafter)

Where as a Muslim says, we are muslims, our purpose is to worship Allah and everything came from Him and to Him will everything return and we will be accountable of all our deeds. Thus Muslims connect life, Human and universe to what happened before it and what will happen after its death.

Now let us see whose answer makes sense.

All human beings are born with basic instincts. These are.

1) Instinct of survival

Every human being has the necessity linked to him to eat and drink, he can't go against this instinct and refuse to eat. Whether he is a Muslim or a Christian or an athiest, he has to eat.

2. Instinct of association

Science has proved that a man is a social animal. His mental faculties can not thrive if he is thrown in a solitary confinement after he is born. He learns through socializing with people.

3) Instinct to worship

It is the instinct of a human to worship. Some worship God, some worship money by being obsessed with getting rich, some worship a celebrity and they say they are their fan, some worship their boss by being devoted to him. Either way, everyone worships one way or another.

Now let us take an example. You bought a camera, someone tells you it was made out of nowhere, the lens the delicate knobs,  its structure all came after centuries of different things being thrown up together and camera was made. Would you believe it? You would say, it is a lie, somebody created it.

Another example, you bought a refrigerator and someone tells you that the compressors the compartments, and lights were placed in one room and then blown up with a blast. After a few days the room was opened and the refrigerator was made up all shiny and new. Would you believe it? You would say it is a lie. Somebody created it.

Yet these are the believes of athiests they say that a big bang occurred and the world was created with human beings who have organs like heart which pumps the blood through out the body and kidneys to filter, lungs to breath, dna etc. Can you believe such a theory that such a complicated structure was made out of a blast without a creator. If such a small thing as camera and refrigerator can not come out of evolution of centuries or a big bang then how come a complicated human being come out of it with no creator.

A Christian makes a little bit of sense and says yes we are all created by a creator but we are here to enjoy as all our sins are forgiven in advance by jesus. Then it means we can do every kind of sin, rape, murder, etc but we are forgiven. Can such a theory create a society of justice? Does this show that the creator who has placed the thought of justice in our mind, himself isn't just?

Now lets go back to our example. Now we have the camera and the refrigerator, but we don't know how to use it efficiently? Yes with a bit of experimentation we can use it but not efficiently. The creator of the product gives us a manual about what are the functions of the refrigerator or camera and how to use it. But it might be so that we are illiterate, we don't know how to install the refrigerator. Then the company will send us one of their employee and he will install the refrigerator for us. Or show us how the camera is used.

Now consider ourselves as products, created by Allah. If a human is intelligent enough to think of creating a manual of instruction and sending a representative to teach us how to operate the machine we bought, then Allah who is our creator and more intelligent then us, wouldn't he send us His representatives as Prophets and Messengers to guide us as to how to use ourselves and Allah sent a manual of instructions too in the form of Quran, Torah, Zuboor and Injeel too.

Like refrigerator has its purpose we can not use it other then its capability. We can not use it without electricity. We can not keep it in a room where the heat doesn't diffuse. These are the needs of the refrigerator.

We humans with our instincts of survival, association and worship can not work well if we don't follow the manual given to us to cater to our instincts.

Allah knows that He created us with the instinct of survival so we need to eat, and He knows what is good for us to eat and what is bad. So he told us eat such things as he called them halal, and refrain from eating pork and drinking wine as they are bad. He called them haraam. That is how he told us about do's and don'ts in the manual of how to operate ourselves.

He created other human beings so we can associate with them. But He told us how to associate with them, how to associate with parents, neighbors, what is a halal relationship and what is haraam. He organised relationship for us. Consider that in Western society there are more suicides then in Muslim society. Why? Because they didn't follow the manual, they avoided to satisfy their need in tye right manner. They kept relationships temporary when it should have been permanent. Muslims are content that whatever they did in life, their legacy will continue with their offspring, their wives are loyal to them, western people are not content because they know that their girlfriends are not loyal their children might be from some other man so they are stressed and depressed that their legacy will not continue. They are confused and they don't understand how to put things right. So they get so frustrated that they end up committing suicide.

The last and very important instinct is about worship. Yes, it is our instinct. You might have heard some of the athiest even sometimes saying, if there is a God, I hope he will judge that sinner. Why do they say it? Because some part of them worships a god, maybe not the actual God, but their instinct knows it even if they deny it. They make money their god and they say, earn as much so that you will be able to help others. That is how they make money their god. But sometimes they find out that money can not help them always. And that is why they say 'Money can't buy everything'

Sometimes people do all sort of stupid things like inscribing names of their lovers on their arms by cutting into the flesh or committing suicide for the celebrity they love and everyone says oh what love. This is how they make someone their god. Nobody condemns it or shows hatred for it. Yet if a Muslim says I can die for Allah, I will allow myself to be cut into pieces for the sake of Allah and the truth. (Jihad) People condemn Muslims? Why? Because they only believe in their own god that they created although their god can not benefit them.

The Muslims worship the only true God, Allah. They satisfy their basic instinct of worship in the right manner and hence they benefit as the worship of the true God can give them what they need. Money can't give you love or health. Nor can anyone who you worship, as they didn't create you, but Allah can give you health and love as he is our creator.

Now that we know that there is a creator and have understood why there is a need of Prophet and why a Holy Book is sent and about our basic instincts, let us move to what happens after it.

We Muslims follow the manual of instructions and do what is halaal and refrain from haraam.

In association instinct Allah has told us that raping is haraam, committing murder is haraam and if we do such thing then their is a punishment for that. But what about those who think that there is no God? And the life is to enjoy. Then if they have enjoyed something then why get punishment for it? That would illogical. And truly their concept of life is illogical.

Those who say jesus forgave their sins then their should not be accountability for their deeds. Hence no punishment should be granted. This logic demolishes the concept of justice. Whether they marry, keep a girlfriend, do adultery, everything has no consequences. Then why punish them for any crime when jesus already forgave them? Hence this theory is also illogical.

The only theory that makes sense is the theory of Muslims that everything we do should be according to the instructions otherwise we will be committing injustice and injustice should be immediately punished otherwise the punishment will be given in the Hereafter (the day of judgement, or the life after death, whatever you choose to call it) and his punishment will be severe.

That is how Islam is logical and explains about life comprehensively. In other religion and atheism, the concept of justice is absent and so is the way of life.

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