There is "human instinct" in the nature of democracy that whoever comes to power on the basis of democratic principles with a "majority vote", the hidden "dictator" within him suddenly wakes up. The arrogance of the "majority" embeddes in it, the intoxication of the houses of power nurtures this arrogance, and then a day comes that it emerges in the form of a huge "monster".
This monster will be as much bloody and ruthless, as much a society will be full of intolerance and oppressive emotions. From the oldest democracies in the world to the most representative democracies of the modern age, this law and policy has been the hallmark of every democracy with all its bloodshed.
The world's oldest "democracy" is considered to be the Greek state of Athens. Center for Art, Literature, Philosophy, Thought, Science and Innovation, with a compiled history of 3,400 years. The city of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Ptolemy, Sophocles, and countless other geniuses.
A trustworthy city of a "complete democracy" in which every citizen was a member of the assembly and the "power of authority" was also with the assembly. Athens had no representative government. All decisions were made by debate in the assembly, even the "judicial system" was completely democratic. The accused was brought before a mob instead of the court.
In this "democratic" system, a great historical figure, Socrates, is born and spends fifty years of his life in this city. In his declining life, 399 BC, he is accused of "not acknowledging the ancient gods and misleading the younger generation." Socrates is brought before a "crowded court", which sentences him to death. Socrates gives a very long speech in front of this crowd, the gist of which is that the decisions of justice are made on the basis of principles, even if there is only one person in the whole city who believes in them,his speech was decisive on majority democracy.
The last guidance and divine word revealed for the guidance of mankind, the Qur'an Al-Hakim, clearly denies the "majority" in the principles of guidance. Allah Almighty states in the Qur'an: ( O Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)) And if you obey majority of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow assumption, and they are the falsifying. (Al-An'am: 116), this is a fact that has proved true on every test from the beginning to the present day.
From the democracy of Athens of that time to the democracy of present day, the democratic system and democratic form of government have undergone with innumerable twists and turns. For thousands of years, it was just adorn only with books and in the dreams of thinkers. but In the last two centuries, it first reached the chambers of power in European countries, and then, in World War II, when these powers were victorious, they dominated the world, which resulted in the establishment of a "global financial system", the monarchy of the World Bank, the IMF and the paper currency was established, so in order to protect this financial system, they made the democratic system indispensable, and those who deviated from it were declared as a tyrant, oppressor and enemy of humanity.
The basic premise of this "modern democracy" was one and only one, and that was that some powerful forces wanted to have the "seal of approval" of the "majority" on all their decisions. A government is formed by using the majority,which (behind the scene) runs under the auspices of the oppressive capitalists of the global economic "usurer" financial system.
The capitalists can write whatever decision they want, the assemblies elected by the majority of the people, the Senate, the Presidents, the Prime Ministers all implement it.
This democratic system has imposed massacres all over the world since the beginning of the twentieth century to fulfill the aspirations of its economic masters. World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and many other battlefields were decorated, with the sole purpose of doing arms sales and capturing the world's resources. Churchill in Britain, Hitler in Germany, and Rose Welt in the United States were all "elected" democratic rulers, subject to their own democratic system. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is the latest bloody face of this democratic world.
Imposing your power on other countries and attacking them makes sense that those countries and their people are not part of your democratic system, they are not your voters, supporters and well-wishers. That's why any American, British Or the French president or prime minister never has to get vote from the people of Iraq or Afghanistan, so the indifference of these democratic rulers during oppressing the people of these countries is understandable. The unbridled desire for power and domination is such that it settles murder in the homes of others. But democracy is a monster that leaves even the "minority" living within its own country in a dark and dead end.
In a democracy, the minority is a "disabled member", whose existence is probably tolerated in order to prove that we have a majority over this minority.
There is not a single democratic system in more than 150 countries around the world that protects the minority living in their own country against the "majority's dictatorship". The democracies of India and Israel are the highest examples of this dictatorship.
The 250 million Muslims living in India and the 2.5 million Muslims living in Israel, who make up about 16 percent of the population in both countries, will not be able to dream for the next 100 years that they too will come to power. , Their "will" or "order" will never be enforced. The "will" is a far cry, the dream of seeing them as equals in matters of justice cannot be fulfilled.
Democracy has prevailed in both the countries for the last seventy years and no general has tried to overthrow the government and imposed "martial law". India and Israel are bitter realities, but the fact is that out of France's population of 62 million, there are 4.2 million Muslims, of whom only 92 women in the entire city of Paris wear the full hijab and against these 92 women the French assembly with 571 members and 378 members of the French Senate pass a law that you cannot wear the hijab in France, because it is a huge "attack" on our "lifestyle".
From the "British National Party" in Britain to the bigoted parties in Europe, everyone wants and enforces a majority's dictatorship in their country. Democracy does not give the people the right to rule, but gives the "right of exploitation" of small groups to a large group of people.
All the atrocities that were once committed by "tyrant kings" and "military dictators" and for that they were called tyrants, today all these atrocities are stamped by the parliament elected by the "majority",and these atrocities are called now "rule of law".
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