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Who is the biggest fear of West?

The Western world is not at all interested in the impact of "blasphemy" on the Muslim world.

They are well aware that the entire Muslim world is a collection of "nation-states" controlled by constitutional and democratic, secular and liberal governments.
In all of these Islamic countries, Muslims live, but their lifestyle, education, leadership standards, and economy and society are all "secular" and "democratic." Wherever elections take place, from Brunei to Morocco, the people are reluctant to elect a person as their leader if his way of living is like practicing Muslim,if he has a long Beard and if he wears an Islamic hat,Because they have been brainwashed from the beginning that a long bearded, five-time worshiper and mullah type person is not capable of running the country.

That is why in a country like Pakistan, the only state that was established in the name of "Islam", even the secular and liberal intellectuals living in this country openly say in front of the whole world that in Pakistan Sharia law can never be enforced, because here in every election, the voter rejects candidates who are virtuous, pious, honest, and committed to Islamic principles, and chooses those who are secular, liberal, dishonest , Thieves, drug dealers, hoarders and "westernized" people.

From day one, kingdoms have been established in the oil-rich Muslim-dominated lands, there power has been perpetuated with the patronage and military support of the United States and European countries. so there is a Muslim Ummah in the world, which is consist of secular, liberal democratic governments like Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, Sudan and Tunisia, and secular and liberal monarchies such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Muscat, and some democracies which are under the auspices of US forces such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and empires based on semi-religious and racial pride such as Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Which West will now feel fear from a Muslim Ummah that is needy of the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Bank and is mired in their debts, and trapped in the mire of the global financial paper currency and interest economy? Where will the pride and affection for Islam come from in their leaders? what have they to do with the sanctity of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).

Cartoons are printed in Europe, the media of Islamic countries broadcasts here to increase their TRP with their news, some days there are riots, vandalism, a campaign starts to boycott the products of the Blaspheming country. A protest is recorded by calling the ambassador and then after some times all the wounds heal and they forget everything. The "night is gone, talk is gone" thing happens and everything goes back to normal.

Such sketches were printed again and again, and again and again the same "reaction" was seen. So our love and affection for the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) "as a nation" is just as high. If any one of the Muslim's mother, father or daughter has ever been abused by someone other even fifty years ago and if that abuser is out of reach of that person and he can't do anything, but still his heart will full of sorrow and pain, his anguish and anger will continue to boil for even fifty years in his heart. He will never forget the abuse, nor will he forget the face of the abuser.

The world is now almost convinced that all this is a temporary anger of the people of Muslim countries and as a nation their claim that they loved their Prophet more than their parents, children, sisters, brothers and relatives is false.

The West publishes these sketches mainly to test the pride and love of Muslims living in Europe and their love for the Prophet of Islam. The West estimates that the about 44 million Muslims living in whole Europe are no different from the rest of the Ummah, but are even ahead of them in "Westernization" and "self-interest". The majority of them have been so immersed in western "life style" that it has become difficult to recognize them, and the few who seem to have their religion in their hearts and practice it can easily be portrayed as terrorists and extremists by governments and the secular minded people of the country.
These are the few European Muslims who are the real threat to Europe, who burn like a spark, and one day these sparks could ignite a fire of "honor and respect" for Islam among Muslims of the West.

Reports from around the world frighten Europe that a growing Muslim population will one day change everything. Due to the continues conversion of locals to Islam, "contraceptive pills" and disgust with family life, the white population has become mostly elderly.

A Muslim born and living here is fully aware of the shortcomings, weaknesses and compulsions of this society. On the one hand there is the growing hatred against Muslims for the last fifty years and on the other hand there is the growing population of Muslims. This situation could one day lead to a major confrontation.

According to the research institute PEW, in 2010 there were about 19.5 million Muslims in EU Countries, and as of mid-2016, estimated at 25.8 million and by 2050 with this rate,there will be more than 90 million, while the non-Muslim  population in European Union will be 480 million at that time, which is currently 447.7 million.  Of these 480 million, the number of old people will be so high that Muslims as a whole will prevail. For more details.... click here

Europe has nothing to fear from a Muslim who votes for same-sex marriage, lives with his partner without marriage, and adopts all European colors. Europe's secularists, liberals and democrats are looking for those who killed Charlie Hebdo's cartoonists ( who did blasphemy) and those who sacrificed their lives for the sanctity of the Prophet (PBUH) such as the Chechen boy. Europe wants to integrate them into its "lifestyle" by intimidating them and other European Muslims who sympathize with them.

That is why these sketches are published, hijab is banned, minarets of mosques are not allowed, adhan is not allowed. The only purpose is that to remove the difference between Abdullah, Abdul Rahman and Jimmy, Hardy except the names.
It won't stop there. The period in which the entire Ummah has entered is called the "End Times" and the "Age of Tribulation". Christians and Jews are also aware of the war in this era and all are ready for it. The preparation of the Jews is in full swing.

In the Christian world, the "Evangelist" and a few other groups are also accelerating this preparation. Donald Trump's presidency is a symbol of the strength of these groups, no need to go into details.

The main purpose is just to convey to the Muslims living in Europe a warning given by the Holy Prophet (sws), which is given in a long hadith of "Kitab al-Fitan".
According to this hadith, the last battle of this great war will be fought in Syria in the "Plain of Amaq" near Aleppo, in which the army will come from Europe under 80 flags and there will be twelve thousand people under each flag. They will trample on Turkey, conquer Constantinople, fight bloody battles with Muslims in the field of "Amaq", after defeat they will take peace from Muslims. But as a war ploy, rumors will be spread among Muslims that the antichrist has emerged in the countries behind them.
They will return to their areas and find out that this is a lie. Then there is a mention of a massacre in the words of the hadith. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "They will attack the rest of the Arabs, they will kill them until there will be no Arab men, women and Arab children will remain alive on the land of rome. "Everyone will be killed."
(The book of Fitan: Al Amaq and the conquest of Constantinople)
The Muslims will return in a rage, then defeated the Roman armies(Europeans), and then take back Constantinople (Istanbul) too.

The Muslims who live in Europe may have already realized that if this hatred once escalates into war, then their situation there will be the same as that of the Muslims living in Spain.

The End

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