The same face of this system was pointed out by Iqbal. He says in his poetry ....
متاع معنی بیگانہ از دون فطرتان جوئی
ز موران شوخی طبع سلیمانی نمی آید
گریز از طرز جمہوری غلام پختہ کاری شو
کہ از مغز دو صد خر فکر انسانی نمی آید
You seek the treasures of an alien philosophy from common, low-grade people, themselves poor of mind. Ants crawling on the ground cannot attain the heights of wisdom of a Solomon.
Avoid the method of democracy; become the bondman of someone of ripe intelligence; for a few hundred donkeys cannot have, combined, the brains of one man, of one homosapiens.
Just as the scenes that emerge in the imagination are depicted through painting, so secularism and liberalism needed an "enforcement force" to express itself, which could be the clothe of this ideology, so for that purpose, secularism and liberalism has put on the cloak of "democracy" in the name of "human sovereignty".
It was the first organized "collective revolt" in human history against God's sovereignty, divine guidance and religious morality. This rebellion against religion and God was also necessary for secularism and liberalism because unless people are persuaded that you are completely free and independent to live in this world, No matter what moral standards you set, no matter what family life you set up, no matter what scale of punishment you set, you have full control over it....,it was hard to enforce the democratic system, because this was the spirit and foundation of this system.
The "birthplace" of this modern secular, liberal and democratic system is considered to be the land of France. Traces of the ancient democratic system can be found even in the urban states of Greece three thousand years ago. The first "martyr" of this ancient democracy was Socrates, who was force by city's elected assembly to drink the cup of poison on speaking the "truth." The words of his speech before his death were: "A mob has ruled against me and justice should not be expected from the mob."
But the creators of the modern secular democracy seem to have appeared mostly around the "French Revolution". Voltaire and Rousseau were like it's spirits.
From there, the ideology spread to Britain.
George Holyoake first coined the term "secularism" for the anti-religion concept French philosophers. As a founder of the concept of secularism, he was the last person in Britain to be convicted of blasphemy.
He was being chained and taken to jail when a mob stopped him on the way.
British newspapers had already openly supported "blasphemy" in the name of freedom of expression and brainwashed the people, so during the trial as a result of the mob, in August 1842, the British Home Secretary declared that the founder of secularism would not be punished for a serious crime of blasphemy. Thus began the modern era of "freedom of expression."
This is followed by a long story of "religion aversion" and "religion animosity", each part of which is full of insults and ridicule of religious ideas, religious ethics and religious figures.
After the French Revolution, when the whole West was persuaded by the continues lullabies that "man is great then god" then the time came for the West to be clothed in "democratic garb." democracy came to most Western countries at the beginning of the twentieth century.
There are three major centers of this secular democratic system that have been established for the last century, the France, in terms of origin and birthplace of it, the India, as the world's largest democracy in terms of population, and the America, as the world biggest Democracy in terms of power and dominance, the way these three countries have inverted the veil of secularism, liberalism and democracy in recent years by their own hands, it actually has exposed the ugly face of this system.
The creators of the democratic system based it on two principles. The first principle was "popular mandate", meaning "one man one vote" and the second principle was "political factionalism" i.e. party system. Through these two, the ruling forces or, in today's term, the "establishment" deliberately laid a disgusting net.
The creators of the democratic system knew that in every society there are people who think, understand, reflect and have opinions are always in minority, while the majority of population is always simple, foolish, ignorant and always indifferent to the affairs of government. Therefore, if everyone's opinion is equalized, then the minority of thinkers and intellectuals will become meaningless,Who specialize in choosing a good leader for any society or country.
Similarly, the creation of political parties was also necessary to "divide" the society into different groups, and hang the two major classes, the "government" and the "opposition" on the cross of "gaining power" through a conflict.
Political parties should be organized by making party loyalty as sacred as religion and then the whole party should be bought in the name of party funding. Thus, the law can be passed by these leaders as they wish. The beauty of the party system is that it does not require a majority of public opinion to legislate but the "party line" is important.
Even if less than one per cent of the people are in favor of homosexuality, party members bought by the "secular corporate mafia" according to the party line will pass a law in favor of homosexuality. Today, exactly one hundred years later, the worst power of "dictatorship of majority" has been established in these three major centers of secular democracy, the United States, India and France.
Not only that, but the world is also amazed that the forces behind the creation of democracy are so powerful that they have created a system in each country that can overturn the decisions majority of the people at any time by throwing it the trash. In the 2016 US election, Hillary Clinton received 65.8 million votes and Donald Trump received 63.9 million, but Trump won the presidency.
Today, four years later, Trump is knocking on the court's door against this system. In this secular democracy, the courts are also devoid of justice. There is a lot of noise all over the United States right now that there is a majority of Republican judges in the Supreme Court, how can they do justice. That is, in a country where the "majority" is in your favor, enforce its "dictatorship" directly, and in a country where the "majority" is against you, use illegal and immoral tactics and crush the opinion of the majority. In countries like the United States, this is done by the "Establishment" or the "Deep State", while in countries like Egypt and Algeria, the majority is crushed by "military force".
At the same time, there is a prejudiced and disgusting face of democracy in France and India that is stained with the blood of religious bigotry. Constitutional supremacy or "Dictatorship of Majority" of one religion over another can only be possible on the basis of the "popular vote" of democracy.
Today, in every corner of the globe, there is a global debate over what could be the "alternative to the popular vote." The talk will end there, whether anyone agrees or not, the solution is the same as the concept of "opinion or vote" given by Islam, ie opinion should not be counted but the weight of opinion should be weighed. If voting is to be maintained democratically in any condition, then you have to weigh the individual vote separately. The vote of a PhD should be equal to the vote of ten Matric pass people,convicted by the court and the accused in jail should not get the right to vote, only the spotless and un-punished should vote.
Conversations based on such ideas have become commonplace all over the world today. Thirty years after the failure of communism, the chapter on the failure of democracy is now being written.
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